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Find out how implementing
a telecommuting program
can positively impact
your bottom line.

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North Haven, CT
The Pension Service
Business Issue
The company started a telecommuting program in 2005 to retain skilled employees by offering more flexibility to help with work/life balance and to increase the company's ability to compete with large insurance companies in attracting qualified staff in Connecticut.

Telecommuting Solution
Telecommute Connecticut consultants:
  • Developed a self-selection process to identify employees' suitability to telecommuting.
  • Created documents, policies and procedures.
  • Trained telecommuters and managers.
  • Provided guidance that prepared the company in creating useful work procedures and engaging in communication to ensure that work is running smoothly.
  • Prepared in-house IT staff on the importance of being responsive in supporting telecommuters' technology needs
Telecommuting Results
  • The company retained skilled and qualified employees who had young families and needed more flexibility.
  • The company has been successful in attracting highly qualified employees who might otherwise take positions with larger companies.
  • The self-selection process has been used very effectively by employees in either identifying or eliminating themselves as potential telecommuters.
  • The availability of telecommuting has had a positive effect on employee morale and attendance.
"Being a small company doesn�t in any way eliminate us from being a good candidate for a telecommuting program. In fact, being a small company gives us a great deal of flexibility and control over the process."
    - Michelle Henry, Executive Vice President, The Pension Service

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