Telecommute CT! Forms Partnership with Chambers and Business Councils Telecommuting could soon be coming to a business near you -- thanks to a new partnership between Telecommute CT! and Metro Chambers of Commerce and Business Councils. The business associations view telecommuting as an effective way to improve members' competitiveness while easing the state's traffic woes. This strategic alliance will generate awareness among members about the bottom-line benefits of telecommuting. Traffic Congestion Up Nationwide American commuters are getting nowhere fast, according to the annual report from the Texas Transportation Institute on congestion in 68 urban areas. Connecticut's Telecommuting-Friendly Employers Telework News is in the process of locating employers in Connecticut that are "telecommuting friendly" -- in other words, companies currently offering their employees a telecommuting option. Hartford/New Haven Among Top 10 "Most Wired" Areas Here's good news for Connecticut employers contemplating telecommuting. There's a very good chance your current and future employees will have the computer skills they need to work remotely. According to Nielsen/Net Ratings, the combined Hartford/New Haven region has the 8th highest "Internet penetration" in the country. Telecommuting
Makes a Triumphant Comeback at CRN |