Telecommuting: The Special Circumstances Solution

While telecommuting has proven effective for permanent work from home arrangements, it also helps in a variety work interruptions such as severe weather, power outages, transportation disruptions, labor disputes, and flu seasons.
By having some of your employees telecommute, you can minimize business disruption and maintain services and productivity. Many organizations have already implemented this strategy during all types of work disruptions.

Telecommuting also can help workers stay connected to the workplace by using the following telework plans:

According to Susan Sears, AT&T district manager and telecommuting expert, the volume of e-mail messages sent remained the same during the February blizzards. "The unchanged volume of e-mail indicates that there was no loss in productivity despite workers' inability to travel to their worksites."

Washington-area federal workers also telecommuted during the same period, said Faith Wohl, the General Services Administration's Workplace Initiatives Director. “Use of federal satellite work centers was up more than 50 percent by telecommuters who weren't previously scheduled to be there,” said Wohl. "As a result, they were productive despite the weather. And thousands of work hours were put to good use that might have been lost otherwise."

A day out of work for an entire office can cost a company a lot of money, so it makes sense to have at least some people who are prepared to telecommute, if only to deal with potential emergencies.