Telecommute CT! Forms Partnership with Chambers and Business Councils
Telecommuting could soon be coming to a business near you -- thanks to a new
partnership between Telecommute CT! and Metro Chambers of Commerce and Business
Councils. The business associations view telecommuting as an effective way to
improve members' competitiveness while easing the state's traffic woes. This
strategic alliance will generate awareness among members about the bottom-line
benefits of telecommuting. Of primary interest is telework's potential to:
This new strategic alliance calls for joint initiatives such as on-site presentations, workshops, and other communications to educate association members about the benefits of telecommuting and the free services offered by Telecommute Connecticut!
Christopher P. Bruhl, President and CEO of SACIA, the Business Council of Southwestern Connecticut, endorses this effort noting, "Telecommuting is an investment in productivity, clean air, and energy conservation - all goals valued highly by businesses and their associations." Bruhl was instrumental in creating the partnership strategy, recognizing that "a network of Chambers of Commerce and Business Councils is a smart way to operate. The network combines the strengths of local relationships and the geographic reach of a statewide entity."
Tony Rescigno, President of the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce agrees, adding "I'm delighted to be partnering with the folks at Telecommute CT!, because it's truly a worthwhile program. So many people are trying to find ways to get around traffic problems, and this is the way to do it. Plus, people can be extremely effective working from home. So we will be encouraging our members to support telecommuting."
Key business associations across the state participating in the Telecommute CT! partnership include: The Bridgeport Regional Business Council, Bristol Chamber of Commerce, Greater Danbury Chamber of Commerce, Greater Waterbury Chamber of Commerce, Middlesex Chamber of Commerce, Metro Hartford Chamber of Commerce, the Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce, and SACIA.
The partnership will benefit chambers and business council members and their
employees, according to James Lush, Project Manager of Telecommute Connecticut!
"by making their members aware of the positive impact that telecommuting
can make on their bottom lines, and then giving them access to the services
offered by Telecommute Connecticut! at no cost. Together we will be providing
their members with a valuable tool to help their businesses thrive in our highly
competitive marketplace."