Number of Telecommuters Increases by 17 Percent
National Survey Shows 1 in 5 Americans Are Teleworking

Over the past year, the number of telecommuters in the United States increased 17 percent to 28.8 million. An overwhelming majority of these teleworkers are more satisfied with their jobs, more productive and feel more loyal to their employers.

These are among the key findings of an annual survey conducted by the International Telework Association and Council (ITAC) and sponsored by AT&T. The survey explores current telework practices and provides helpful insights for businesses looking to meet the need for new or expanded telework programs for their employees.

"This year's survey broadens our definition of teleworking and confirms that it's a winning situation all around," said John Edwards, President of ITAC. "Employees achieve a greater balance of work and family life, employers gain the benefits of lower overhead costs and increased productivity, and all of us continue to reap the rewards of less traffic congestion and pollution."

More than 1 in 5 of all employees nationwide participate in some form of teleworking - whether it's at home, on the road, in telework centers or in satellite offices. Most work on the road (24.1 percent) or at home (21.7 percent). Most telecommuters do multiple forms of teleworking, with 42.4 percent combining working at home with another form of teleworking. "Telework has evolved beyond the pioneering telecommuters of the 80s," said Chuck Wilsker, Executive Director of ITAC. "It appears to be entering the mainstream practices of today's workforce."

More than two-thirds of teleworkers express greater job satisfaction. An overwhelming majority (almost 80 percent) feels a greater commitment to their organization with most planning to stay with their employer. Notably, almost three-quarters of at-home teleworkers reported a major increase in productivity and work quality.